Wireless Telecommunication Equipment Allowance Policy

Section: IV. ADVS – 423
Approved By: Dr. Pamela J. Transue, 11/29/11
Last Review: 11/23/11
Last Revision: 11/23/11
Prior Revisions: None
Initial Adoption: 06/15/11


总统或适当的副总统可以表格形式授权赔偿 为使用个人技术进修证书从事大学业务的雇员提供津贴. 

  • 津贴不是基于一个特定的头衔,职位或资历,也不是 considered an entitlement of employment. 
  • 简单的便利不是这种津贴的标准,它可以改变 and / or withdrawn at any time. 
  • 该策略假设对于大多数员工,TCE将用于个人 and business use. 


  • 员工的工作职能需要相当多的时间以外的分配 办公室或工作区域,这对学院来说是很重要的 those times.
  • 员工的工作功能要求他们在计划之外可以访问 or normal working hours.

例外-在极少数情况下,必须调整津贴水平 due to extenuating conditions.  The President, upon recommendation from a Vice-President will approve exceptions. 

College owned TCE’s and data plans may be provided by the College.


澳门威尼斯人在线赌场为无线通信提供免税津贴 为工作职责需要使用的员工提供设备服务 such devices for College business, as allowed by IRS regulations. This policy applies to both personally owned and College owned telecommunication equipment.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

This policy applies to all employees of the College.


《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》第2043条-课税年度开始后生效 12/31/09.  Revision of IRS Code of 1986, subparagraph (A) of section 280F(d)(4);

IR-2011-93, September 14, 2011 - Notice 2011-72;

2011年9月14日所有现场检查操作的IRS备忘录,控制号sse -04-0911-083.


Wireless telecommunication equipment (TCE):适用于手机和用于语音、数据、文本和/或电子邮件的无线设备 communications.   This includes but is not limited to cell phones, cell phones with data plans, tablet PC’s (I-pads), wireless modems. 

Personally owned TCE:员工自己拥有的,以及用于商业目的的设备. 

College owned TCE: 是否为书院所有及供雇员及/或院系作业务用途 purposes.


Approval of Allowance

工作职责需要携带电信设备的员工 equipment are eligible for an allowance.  A TCE allowance may be requested using the 无线电讯设备(TCE)津贴协议表格位于 在校园财务服务部或人力资源部的表格/出版物下的门户网站.   必须填写无线TCE津贴协议表格,并附上一份 附上当前的服务账单,并转交给总统或相应的副总统 for approval/signature.  Allowances expire at the end of the fiscal year, June 30, and must be renewed annually using agreement form. 

Allowance Amount

The recommended dollar allowance is based on individual job requirements. The allowance may not be in excess of the employee’s service plan.  The approved service options ,显示在“无线TCE津贴协议”表格上 表格/出版物在校园金融服务或人力资源.

部门在发放津贴方面的政策可能会更严格(但不会更宽松) than College policy.  For example, management may set lower maximum dollar amounts to reflect reduced budget resources. 

 The President or appropriate Vice-President may approve other amounts.

该员工负责购买电信设备 使用时,选择并登记适当的服务计划,终止服务 clauses and payment terms and penalties.  Costs for cosmetic or technical extras that 雇员在服务期间没有任何商业目的和额外开支 计划中的长途话费、漫游费和超时话费等都是个人的 responsibility of the employee.

Any TCE purchased by the College is College property. 


TCE津贴通过工资单支付,并包含在员工的支票/直接中 deposit.  The allowance shows as a separate line item on the employee’s Earnings & Leave payment information available on the portal.

这个津贴不会增加雇员的基本工资,并且被认为是免税的 benefit. 

Using the Telecommunication Equipment Service

如果TCE由员工个人拥有,则此策略假定将使用它 for both personal and business purposes.  An employee with a TCE allowance must maintain an active contract for the life of the allowance.   滥用设备-以不符合学校政策的方式使用设备 当地,州或联邦法律或供应商政策-将导致立即取消 of the allowance.  

 Business and Review Requirements

该员工的主管负责对业务需求进行年度审查 的津贴,以决定津贴是否应予改变或停止.

为了审计的目的,学院保留在任何时间提出要求的权利 本财政年度,通信运营商要确保当前服务法案的合规性 with the signed allowance agreement. 

如果员工被终止,辞职,转移或不再有资格进入学院 员工的主管应及时通知人力资源部门停止发放TCE津贴 递交经修订的“工作进修津贴申请表格”,注明“停止领取” “截至xx/xx/xx”的免税额.

如果发生法律诉讼,任何用于商业目的的TCE都可能是“可搜索的” or public disclosure requests.  The employee must abide by the College Data Confidentiality and Security Policy and review the Data Security guide.

 College Owned Telecommunication Equipment

在某些情况下,无线通信设备和服务 may be provided by the College.

  • 服务和移动电话/无线调制解调器采购-移动电话和服务提供商 是否可直接安排与所需供应商在适当批准后 Vice President and charged to the department P-card..    A list of carriers and vendor contacts is available from Information Systems.
  • 平板电脑,包括i -pad,要通过使用部门购买.   Equipment 采购和数据计划必须得到相应的副总裁数据计划的批准 与所需的供应商安排并记入部门p卡.  A list of carriers and vendor contacts is available from Information Systems. Usage tracking 审核-部门有责任对每月提供的供应商进行审核 适当使用的发票,并要求详细的发票,如果出现非常规费用.