
Section: III.  Adsv - 503
批准人:Bill Ryberg, 11/9/17



Tacoma Community College seeks to deploy information 技术 and electronic content that has been designed, developed, or procured to be accessible to people with disabilities, 包括那些使用辅助技术的人. 可访问的IT环境 增强每个人的可用性. 通过支持信息技术的可访问性,学院提供了帮助 ensure that as broad a population as possible is able to access, benefit from, and 对其电子程序和服务作出贡献.


All individuals or groups of individuals managing programs and services where information 技术 is deployed and/or electronic content published at Tacoma Community College.


3.20.b SBCTC无障碍技术
IT可访问性检查表- http://www.华盛顿.edu/accessibility/checklist/
OCIO政策188 -可访问性
RCW 28B.10.912
RCW 49.60
WCAG 2一目了然- http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/glance/
网站无障碍信息和培训- http://WebAIM.org/articles


Accessible: Refers to the objective that everyone, including those with disabilities, within Tacoma Community College will have equally effective and equally integrated access to programs and services, including instructional materials and content.

Accessible 信息 Technology: lnformation 技术 that has been designed, developed, or procured to be usable by, and therefore accessible to people with disabilities, 包括那些使用辅助技术的人.

Assistive Technologies: Adaptive, rehabilitative devices that promote greater independence for individuals with disabilities by changing how these individuals interact with 技术. 例如,特殊输入设备(如.g.头鼠或脚鼠,大口喝 switches, speech recognition), screen-reading software, and screen magnifiers.

教学材料和内容: 资源 and tools used in educational lessons, including, but not limited to, textbooks, content in learning management systems, computer software, DVDs, CD-ROMs, online publisher materials, handouts, worksheets, slide presentations, assessments, videos, PDFs, Word documents, linked web pages or any other means of conveying information to the student or otherwise contributing to the learning process through electronic means, whether fully copyrighted or an 开放资源.

Usability: Refers to how easily, effectively, and efficiently users can use a product or system to achieve their goals, and how satisfied they are with the experience.


Tacoma Community College seeks to provide appropriate, effective, and integrated access to 技术 and electronic content for students, employees, and external community members. 本政策适用于采购、制定和实施 教学、管理或通信技术和内容. Further, the policy applies to both current and emerging technologies, including both hardware 和软件,在使用或正在评估购买或采用在TCC. 这一政策 encompasses, but is not limited to, college websites, learning management tools, student information systems, training materials, instructional materials and assessment tools.


  1. 根据这项政策,所有学院的项目和服务经理必须:
    1. Develop, purchase and/or acquire, to the extent feasible as described in section 4. 异常, hardware and software products that are accessible to people with disabilities.
    2. Promote awareness of this policy to all members of the College community, particularly those in roles that are responsible for creating, selecting, or maintaining electronic 内容和应用.
  2. 教学材料和内容
    1. When developing new electronic content, the college encourages new content to be accessible, 必要时与Access Services、电子学习和IT部门合作.
    2. When implementing new electronic resources, such as (but not limited to) textbook publisher services and resources, the college will ensure such services and resources 可达程度是否如第4条所述可行. 异常.
    3. The college encourages work with Access Services, eLearning, and IT as necessary to retroactively update currently used digital content and resources, such as (but not 仅限于学习管理系统中的文档、视频和图像.
  3. 无障碍技术和电子内容标准
    Compliance to standards listed in this section must be considered high priority:
    1. Web标准
      Electronic information must meet the Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG.0 AA成功标准或最新标准(视情况而定).
    2. 新发展及购买项目
      New development and purchases, including development purchases for major revisions and updates of existing electronic information resources, must receive higher priority 对现有电子信息资源进行改造.
  4. 异常
    Conformance to standards may not always be feasible due to the nature of the content; the purpose of the resource; the lack of accessible solutions, which includes instances when proprietary instructional materials or industry-standard professional technical applications and/or equipment do not include accessible options; an unreasonably high administrative or financial cost necessary to make the resource accessible; an accessible solution fundamentally aIters the nature of programs, courses, services or activities; 或对健康或安全构成直接威胁. 但是,上述例外情况不需要 relieve college programs or services from their legal obligations pertaining to accessibility; college managers of programs and services must be prepared to provide content and/or 以合适的替代格式(例如.g. 电子文本文件).
  5. Help
    1. Access Services, lnformation Technology, and eLearning are available resources to 协助任何相关流程.
    2. Upon approval of this policy the college may form a committee to oversee Accessible Technology and Electronic Content program development and implementation of initiatives 重点是:
      1. Effective application of this policy and assistance to impacted individuals and groups, 包括对工厂生产的指导和指导
      2. 制定分阶段实施无障碍电子内容的方法;
      3. Developing time studies and baseline effort estimates necessary for eLearning to make 课程可访问.